Christmas Concert 2017

December 6th, 2017

With the nights drawing in and advent calendars being opened, Barts Guild helped kick-off the festive season with a successful Christmas Concert in the Great Hall at Barts on 5th December.

As in previous years, the musical entertainment was provided by the Music Society of Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. This featured the society’s choir under the direction of Penelope Homer and accompaniment of Nicola Bibby; the acapella group ‘Chorda Equina’; a string quintet and piano soloist, Rob Krug. The music was complemented by performances from the actors Frank Barrie and Ursula Mohan, including a piece by Peter Gale who was in attendance. The evening was furthered by a ready supply of mince pies and wine, along with some audience participation in singing some popular carols.

Thanks must go to Saunderson House for sponsoring the event and providing some volunteers on the night, as well as Ernst & Young for organising the raffle. Thanks also to Jan O’Neill for organising the evening, along with all of the Guild volunteers who helped with the event.